How to Find the Right Psoriasis Support Groups for You: A Comprehensive Guide


Living with psoriasis can be challenging, but you don't have to face it alone. Joining a support group is a great way to connect with others who understand your struggles and can offer valuable insight and advice. Finding the right psoriasis support group for you is essential to ensuring a positive and helpful experience.

Finding Support Groups For Psoriasis - Support group patients comforting a woman at therapy.

Start by exploring local groups in your area. You can ask your doctors if they're aware of any psoriasis support groups, as hospitals may host such groups or they could meet at local community centers, churches, or schools.

You can also try online platforms that cater specifically to people with psoriasis, such as the National Psoriasis Foundation or Healthgrades.

When considering a support group, be sure to look for one that aligns with your needs and preferences.

Some groups may be structured around specific topics, while others offer a more informal environment for sharing experiences and seeking advice.

Don't be afraid to try a few different groups to find the one that best suits your needs and provides the encouragement and camaraderie that can make a real difference in your journey with psoriasis.

Key Takeaways

  • Types of Psoriasis Support Groups include online, in-person, and social media-based groups.


  • Online support groups, such as forums and chat platforms, offer the convenience of connecting with others from the comfort of your own home.


  • When finding the right support group, it's important to identify your needs and preferences, evaluate the group's structure and atmosphere, consider accessibility and convenience, and take a trial run.


  • Joining a psoriasis support group can benefit you by connecting you with health professionals such as dermatologists, rheumatologists, and primary care providers.


  • Resources and programs offered by the National Psoriasis Foundation, such as the One to One Program, Beneath the Surface Kit, Talk Psoriasis, and Psoriasis Connect, can provide valuable support.


  • Managing psoriasis goes beyond support groups and includes treatments, medications, and frequently asked questions.


  • In-person support groups provide a more personal and face-to-face interaction, allowing for deeper connections and shared experiences with fellow psoriasis patients.


Table of Contents

  • How to Find the Right Psoriasis Support Groups for You: A Comprehensive Guide
  • Types of Psoriasis Support Groups
  • Finding the Right Support Group for You
  • Benefits of Joining a Psoriasis Support Group
  • Connecting with Health Professionals
  • Resources and Programs
  • Managing Psoriasis Beyond Support Groups
  • Psoriasis Treatments and Medications
  • FAQ’s
  • Conclusion



Types of Psoriasis Support Groups

Finding Support Groups For Psoriasis - Lot of people all holding blocks spelling out support.

Online Support Groups

Online support groups offer a convenient way for you to connect with others who live with psoriasis without having to leave your home.

These virtual communities can provide informative discussions, personal stories, and practical tips on managing symptoms, dealing with stress, and maintaining a healthy immune system.

Some well-known platforms include the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) and Inspire, both of which offer moderated forums where you can engage in conversation with your peers and seek advice.

In-Person Support Groups

In-person support groups foster face-to-face connections, enabling emotional support and a sense of community.

These groups typically meet at predetermined times in venues such as hospitals, community centers, or mental health facilities. While they often have a structure, you may find comfort and camaraderie in talking with others experiencing similar challenges.

Therapy-based support groups can also help you with stress management and mental health concerns, while groups focusing on psoriatic arthritis can address issues related to joint health.

Ask your health care provider for information about local support groups in your area.

Social Media Based Groups

Social media platforms, such as Facebook or Kopa, offer specialized groups where you can find support and exchange information with those who have similar conditions.

These social media groups can be useful for discussing specific topics, such as skin care, depression, or family dynamics, and are often moderated to ensure appropriate and useful content.

Keep in mind, however, that medical advice should always be obtained from a qualified professional and not solely from online sources.

Support Groups for Specific Demographics

Certain support groups cater to specific demographics, such as children with psoriasis, caregivers, or individuals experiencing particular forms of the condition like erythrodermic psoriasis.

These groups aim to address unique challenges, providing targeted resources and fostering hope among their members.

If you're part of a specific demographic or would benefit from specialized support, joining a demographic-specific group may be an ideal choice.

Remember to evaluate your options and select the support group that best suits your needs and preferences.

Connecting with others who share your experiences can make a significant difference in your well-being and overall quality of life.

Finding the Right Support Group for You

Identifying Your Needs and Preferences

Before you begin your search, it's essential to identify your specific needs and preferences for a support group.

Consider aspects such as the type of psoriasis you have, whether you're dealing with psoriatic arthritis, and the treatments you're currently undergoing.

Also, think about whether you'd prefer a group that focuses more on emotional support or one that provides practical advice for managing symptoms and navigating healthcare options.

Finally, consider whether you prefer a face-to-face group or an online platform like Inspire for added convenience.

Evaluating the Group's Structure and Atmosphere

When researching support groups, it's important to evaluate their structure and atmosphere to ensure they will be beneficial to you.

Ask yourself questions such as:

  • Is the group moderated by a professional, such as a dermatologist, or led by peers with psoriasis?


  • Are the discussions focused on specific treatments, or do they cover a range of treatment options and symptoms?


  • Is the group affiliated with a reputable organization like the National Psoriasis Foundation?


  • Does the group provide a safe space for you to share your experiences and ask questions?

Considering Accessibility and Convenience

Accessibility and convenience should also factor into your decision-making process.

Consider the following aspects:

  • Is the support group close to your home or work, making it easy to attend meetings?


  • Does the group meet at a time that fits your schedule?


  • If the group is an online platform, is it user-friendly and easy to navigate?

Consider your health insurance and treatment needs as well, ensuring that the group can offer resources to help you find appropriate coverage and care.

Finding Support Groups For Psoriasis - Man at home having a group video conference on his laptop.

Taking a Trial Run

Once you've identified a promising support group, don't be afraid to take a trial run. Attend a meeting, observe the dynamics, and determine if the group aligns with your needs and preferences.

You may find that certain groups are better suited for you, while others may not be the right fit.

Taking a trial run will help ensure that you find a support network that improves your quality of life by providing valuable resources, emotional support, and practical advice as you manage your psoriasis.

Benefits of Joining a Psoriasis Support Group

Joining a psoriasis support group can provide various advantages to help you manage your condition more effectively.

These groups offer emotional support, access to valuable knowledge, and tools to help with both mental health and management of psoriasis symptoms.

One of the primary benefits of these support groups is the emotional support you gain from interacting with others who understand what you're going through.

Sharing your experiences, feelings, and concerns with individuals who have faced similar challenges can be incredibly reassuring and comforting.

A strong support network can improve your mental health and help you manage stress, which is important since stress and psoriasis are closely linked.

A psoriasis support group also offers a wealth of knowledge from other members. Fellow group members may have tried different treatments, skincare routines, and lifestyle modifications that proved effective for them.

Listening to their firsthand experiences and insights can help you feel more empowered to make informed decisions regarding your own treatment plan.

By participating in a support group, you'll gain access to various tools and resources to help you manage your condition.

This includes educational materials, expert advice from healthcare professionals, and practical tips for navigating daily life with psoriasis.

Learning about these tools and strategies through a support group can enhance your ability to cope with and manage your psoriasis symptoms.

Lastly, joining a psoriasis support group can contribute to a sense of belonging and self-acceptance.

It's not uncommon for individuals with psoriasis to experience feelings of isolation or self-consciousness.

Surrounding yourself with understanding and supportive people who can empathize with your condition can help you view your situation more positively and foster a greater sense of well-being.

Psoriasis support groups offer numerous benefits, ranging from emotional support to access to valuable knowledge and management tools.

By participating in a support group, you can better manage your symptoms, improve your mental health, and maintain a positive outlook on your journey with psoriasis.

Connecting with Health Professionals

When looking for the right psoriasis support groups, connecting with health professionals is an essential first step.

In this section, we'll explore some of the healthcare providers you'll want to consider, such as dermatologists, rheumatologists, and primary care providers, as well as how to tap into referrals and recommendations.

Dermatologists and Rheumatologists

If you haven't already, it's important to consult with a dermatologist or a rheumatologist who specializes in psoriasis.

They can not only provide you with medical treatment but also guide you to tailored support resources and networks.

Finding Support Groups For Psoriasis - Rosacea face. Girl suffers from redness on her cheeks. Couperosis of the skin

Be sure to:

  • Research and choose a provider who specializes in psoriasis
  • Schedule a consultation to discuss your concerns and potential support groups
  • Ask questions about available resources and local support networks

Primary Care Providers

Your primary care provider (PCP) can also play a significant role in helping you locate psoriasis support groups. Since they already manage your comprehensive healthcare needs, they may know of suitable resources for you.

Reach out to your PCP and ask for help with:

  • Referrals to dermatologists or rheumatologists specializing in psoriasis
  • Recommendations for local and online support groups
  • Information on related community events and resources

Referrals and Recommendations

Tapping into referrals and recommendations can guide you to the best support groups for your unique situation. Here are some ways to gather referrals:

As you move forward in your search for the right psoriasis support group, remember that each individual's needs are unique, and it's essential to find the group that works best for you.

By connecting with health professionals, tapping into referrals, and researching different resources, you'll be better equipped to navigate your journey with psoriasis.

Resources and Programs

National Psoriasis Foundation Programs

The National Psoriasis Foundation offers various programs and services to provide support and resources for people with psoriasis. Here are some of the main programs and resources available:

One to One Program

The One to One Program allows you to connect with a trained psoriasis mentor who can offer personalized support by sharing their experiences and knowledge about living with the condition.

This one-on-one connection can help you navigate your psoriasis journey better and address your specific concerns.

Beneath the Surface Kit

The Beneath the Surface Kit is designed to provide educational resources and tools to help you better understand and manage your psoriasis.

This kit is available for free from the National Psoriasis Foundation, and it contains tools, tips, and support resources that can be instrumental in managing your condition.

Talk Psoriasis

Talk Psoriasis is an online community where people with psoriasis can connect and discuss their experiences, share advice, and provide emotional support.

This forum allows you to engage in conversations and learn from others' experiences in dealing with psoriasis.

Psoriasis Connect

Psoriasis Connect is another online community that encourages people with psoriasis to interact and share their stories, experiences, and tips on managing the condition.

It offers a supportive platform for you to gain insight into the experiences of others who are also living with psoriasis and to seek advice or support when needed.

Remember to explore these resources and find the ones that best suit your needs so that you can effectively manage your psoriasis and build connections with others who understand your journey.

Managing Psoriasis Beyond Support Groups

While support groups are an important way to help manage your psoriasis, they're not the only aspect of your journey. It's also essential to develop a comprehensive treatment plan to provide long-term relief.

First and foremost, work closely with your healthcare provider to create a personalized treatment plan.

This may include a combination of medication and lifestyle changes to manage your symptoms effectively.

Remember that each individual is unique, so it may take some time and experimentation to find the right approach for you.

During the process of developing a plan, consider the following factors:

  • Type of psoriasis: The specific type of psoriasis you have will determine the recommended treatments. Plaque, guttate, inverse, pustular, and erythrodermic psoriasis each have unique characteristics that may respond better to certain medications or therapies.


  • Severity: Depending on the severity of your psoriasis, different treatments may be necessary. Mild cases may require topical treatments, while more severe cases may necessitate oral medications or biologic injections.


  • Flare-up triggers: Identify your personal triggers of psoriasis flare-ups, such as stress, certain foods, or climate changes. Noting these factors can help you avoid them and better manage your condition.


Finding Support Groups For Psoriasis - Drawing of 3 men showing each with a different severity of psoriasis, mild, moderate, and severe.


To minimize the occurrence of flare-ups and alleviate inflamed skin, incorporate the following habits into your daily routine:

  • Moisturize regularly: Keep your skin hydrated with a good moisturizer to reduce dryness and itching.


  • Maintain a healthy diet: Eating a balanced diet may help reduce inflammation and promote overall skin health.


  • Manage stress: Consider stress-relief techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to keep stress levels under control.


  • Get enough sleep: Ensuring proper rest aids in your body's natural healing process.


  • Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity can improve your overall health and may help minimize psoriasis symptoms.

Your effort to manage psoriasis goes beyond participating in support groups - it's a collaborative process with healthcare professionals and yourself.

By taking an active role in your treatment plan, you can stay in control and manage your condition more effectively.

Psoriasis Treatments and Medications

When dealing with psoriasis, it's crucial to explore various treatment options and resources to find what works best for you.

The treatments for psoriasis aim to slow down skin cell growth and remove scales. Some of the available options include topical therapy, light therapy, and oral or injected medications.

Topical treatments involve creams and ointments that can be applied directly to the affected areas. These may contain corticosteroids or Vitamin D analogs such as Tazorac.

Another treatment option is phototherapy or light therapy, which uses ultraviolet (UV) light to slow down the growth of skin cells.

Finding Support Groups For Psoriasis - 2 jars of AF27 Skincare, one opened, the other has the lid on.

For more severe cases, or if topical treatments and light therapy don't provide sufficient relief, oral and injected medications can be considered.

  • Methotrexate: An oral medication that helps to reduce inflammation and decrease the growth of skin cells.


  • Adalimumab (Humira), etanercept (Enbrel), and infliximab (Remicade): These are types of biologic agents known as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors. They work by blocking the action of a specific protein involved in the inflammatory process.


  • Ustekinumab (Stelara): This biologic agent is an interleukin-12/23 inhibitor, which works by blocking the action of certain proteins involved in inflammation.


  • Secukinumab (Cosentyx): Another biologic agent that blocks the action of a specific protein called interleukin-17A, which is involved in inflammatory processes.

It's essential to discuss these options with your healthcare provider and consider the potential side effects as well as the benefits of each medication.

Additionally, connecting with others through psoriasis support groups can be helpful in managing the emotional aspects of the condition.

Intimacy can be challenging for people with psoriasis, but it's essential to maintain healthy relationships and communicate with your partner about your concerns.

By exploring different treatment options and resources, you can effectively manage your psoriasis symptoms and improve your overall well-being.

Finding Support Groups For Psoriasis - Man and woman standing and embracing in the distance, with blue sky and some fluffy clouds as the backdrop.



Q: What are psoriasis support groups?


A: Psoriasis support groups are communities of people who come together to share their experiences, provide emotional support, and offer practical advice to those who are affected by psoriasis.


Q: Why should I join a psoriasis support group?


A: Joining a psoriasis support group can help you feel less alone and isolated, provide a safe space to share your experiences, and offer practical advice on managing your condition.


Q: How can I find a psoriasis support group near me?


A: You can find a psoriasis support group near you by searching online directories, such as the National Psoriasis Foundation's support group directory, or by asking your healthcare provider for recommendations.


Q: What should I look for in a psoriasis support group?


A: When looking for a psoriasis support group, consider factors such as the group's size, frequency of meetings, location, and the demographics of its members. You may also want to look for groups that are led by trained facilitators or healthcare professionals.


Q: Are online psoriasis support groups as effective as in-person groups?


A: Research has shown that online psoriasis support groups can be just as effective as in-person groups in providing emotional support and practical advice. However, it's important to find a group that is moderated and has clear guidelines to ensure a safe and supportive environment.


Q: Can I attend a psoriasis support group if I don't have psoriasis?


A: Most psoriasis support groups are open to anyone who is affected by the condition, including family members, caregivers, and friends of those with psoriasis.


Q: How can I start my own psoriasis support group?


A: To start your own psoriasis support group, reach out to local healthcare providers, community organizations, and the National Psoriasis Foundation for guidance and resources on how to get started. You may also want to consider partnering with existing support groups in your area.


Q: What should I expect at my first psoriasis support group meeting?


A: At your first psoriasis support group meeting, you can expect to meet other members, share your experiences, and learn about resources and strategies for managing your condition. Meetings may vary in structure and content depending on the group.


Q: Is there a cost to join a psoriasis support group?


A: Most psoriasis support groups are free to join, though some may charge a small fee to cover administrative costs.


Q: Can psoriasis support groups provide medical advice?


A: Psoriasis support groups should not be used as a substitute for medical advice from a healthcare professional. However, members may share their own experiences and offer practical advice on managing the condition. It's important to always consult with a healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment plan.



Finding the right psoriasis support group can be a valuable step in your journey to manage and cope with this chronic condition.


Whether you prefer online interactions, in-person meetings, or social media engagement, there are various types of support groups available to cater to your needs.


By identifying your preferences, evaluating group structures, considering accessibility, and taking a trial run, you can find a support group that suits you best.


It's important to remember that managing psoriasis extends beyond support groups. Exploring various treatments, medications, and staying informed through frequently asked questions are essential aspects of your psoriasis management.


By combining the support from a group with proper medical care, you can navigate the challenges of psoriasis more effectively and improve your overall well-being.


Remember, you are not alone in this journey. With the right support group and comprehensive management strategies, you can empower yourself and find the strength to thrive despite psoriasis.




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